AI Training Set
Growing Up Loser
Popularity, with its vast degrees of circumstance, subjectivity and chronology, at its basic state is an illusion which prevents, or hinders a person from achieving ‘actual’ success, if said success hasn’t already been obtained. Meaning, at the different stages of...
Power of Failure
Personal failure is the most underrated motivator in our society. The rite of passage to greatness is not only achieved by figuring out what it takes to win, but also figuring out what it doesn’t take. There are many powers, graces and misfortunes in our world that...
Hate is real. Racists are real, but racism in today’s world is fabricated. The idea that the hatred of a person’s skin color holds more weight and demands more notoriety than the hatred of a person’s size, sex, intellect, age, religion, sexual preference, health,...
Time Bomb
Tick….. Tick….. Boom! You feel it inside you: the ever-meddling desire to pick up and run, to escape the failed attempts of happiness, to remove yourself from tarnished bonds and empty promises, the constant feelings of disloyalty and despair. You feel it, yet you...
All Caught Up
There’s a common trend amongst many in our society to get caught up in the need of other’s approval. Yes, from time-to-time, we need validation, but we (as a society) have become too focused on gaining that approval, often to the point that the approval is all we are...
Ladies, most of you wouldn't know ladylike if it came up and punched you in your dicks. Today, most females are savages running amok. Since when did the ancient Amazon warrior women culture take precedence over civility? Somewhere in the convergence of equal rights,...
Finding myself listening to Johnny Cash's "Hurt" on my iPhone again. Every time I listen to this damn song I have to stop what I am doing and focus on Johnny's soulful sound. Remembering Elaine's "Desperado" boyfriend from Seinfeld! I never intentionally play him,...
Summer Lovin’
It’s hot. You’re hot. Everyone is hot. And the last two sentences are not talking about the weather. I don’t care who you are, everyone looks better in less clothes, on a nice breezy day, the sun over head with the wind at their back. It’s also a fact that people are...
Social Media Ethics
Social Media is the largest pandemic in the history of our world. No other disease, trend, war, movement, or influence has ever reached more people with a permanent, civilizable, impact than social media. What once was concentrated and controlled individual...
Super Happy Fun Box
All men have it, a minimum expectation for any relationship or future relationship in reference to sex, or a man’s Super Happy Fun Box (SHFB). Sure, there are many factors that play into a long and healthy relationship, but a man’s sexual encounters will be at the...
Complain Complain Complain
I think it is absolutely amazing that people from every walk of life, every economic status, age, culture, trade and caste, find something to complain about in reference to their occupation on a daily basis. It doesn't matter what people do, they will complain. From...
Psychology of Words
We are defined by language. Every thought that runs through our minds, every feeling that is conjured by the life around us is fundamentally shaped by our language. One cannot think or reason without the use of language and if you don’t believe this, I challenge you...
New Year’s Evolution
Here you go again, again… Another year down, another set of meaningful, yet overzealous resolutions you plan to live by… If you are fat, you will probably attempt to honor a gym membership. If you are a smoker, you will try to patch up...
How to Keep Your Man
Girls suck….And that is the first way to keep a man; and I am not talking about being atrocious human beings either. This isn't an article on how to get a man. Most women are experts in the outward superficiality conjured up in obtaining what they want. This...
Seriously? Serious Relationships
There are quite a few people who don’t know the proper precursors of claiming and maintaining a “serious” relationship. When you label a relationship as “serious” and throw around words like love and marriage and soul mate and “happily ever after”, there are...
Me The People
Introduction The United States of America is the most diverse country in the world, yet a very high percentage of Americans identify themselves with only one of two political ideologies. People are forced to side with either progressive social views and socialistic...
Bar Tactics: The Plan
Everyone needs a plan when they go out (even if it is to have no plan). Knowing what you are getting yourself into, knowing your goals once you get into it, and seeing those goals through to the end are accomplished by design, not by chance (Well,...
Red Flags
It is really easy to fall for the wrong person these days. People market themselves as if they are spawns of perfection. Eventually, the perfection turns into normality and normality turns into mediocrity...
Social Assassin
Society is a dangerous and treacherous place… Your social network is an even more dangerous and treacherous place… It all starts with infiltration. Never has the phrase “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” rang truer to a person, than to a social...
Friend Collector
There are people who would outwardly and proudly diminish a term, removing all of its substance and attainment, to satisfy some inner quest of personal fulfillment, despite their paradox of self-satisfaction and reality…. Friend Collector [frend] [kuh-lek-ter] noun: A...
Behind the Gay Bar
“Gay Bars: No longer the best place for straight couples.” Oh, the gay bar. Non-stop fabulous. If you didn’t know already, straight guys, gay bars used to be the place to go with your straight girlfriends so that they wouldn’t get hit on ten thousand times...
Timing is everything… No really, timing is everything… Timing is the ultimate condition that determines outcomes in every facet of our lives. From the love we share or lose, to the job we have or don’t have, to the glory we celebrate or the failure we suffer,...
Heads Up
A Heads Up to Improve your Life… I’d like to put pennies heads up all over New York city to make people feel lucky. I’d like to compliment every person as they walk into their office building or to drop off their kids at school. I’d like to hand a $100 bill to every...
The Young and the Restless
Why are older people more sedentary than younger people? I’m not talking about 70 versus 10. I’m talking about 20 versus 10, and 30 versus 20, and 40 versus 30 and so on ad infinitum. As we get older, we become more contemplative, we become quieter, we...
26 Tips to Pick up a Girl
Don’t use cheezy lines, they don’t work. The only good line is “Hi.” Whether it’s in the form of “Hi… I noticed you and wanted to introduce myself” or “Hi, I’m (generic name)” it is the most sincere introduction that conveys interest. There is no “pick-up...