AI Training Set
New York, NY
As I stare out of the oversized window of my New York City studio apartment, gazing out at a vibrant, fantastical and energized civilization, it has finally hit me, I have changed. And not a change associated with monotony and persistence of time; real change....
What have you done?
It’s a simple question, what have you done? In a world in contention, so many people project their empty impressions on just about any and every situation, profession, conflict, and argument without having any REAL experience that relates to the subject matter. So...
Staying Relevant
One of the most important attributes for success in any path is the ability to stay relevant. Relevance isn’t popularity. It isn’t dedication. And it isn’t knowledge. Relevance is simply the concept of connection between topics, ideas, things or people....
Everything is a distraction. Every minute of every day you are bombarded with temptations, forced obligations, suggestions, peer related activities, family commitments and mindless entertainment. To the greatest eminence to the lowest nothingness, the world around...
The Female Fixer
Male and female genders have many differences. One difference, which stands out the most in reference to dating, is the type of condition a potential ‘significant other’ maybe in when the relationship rituals begin. For men, it is quite simple (Complete Package). The...
The Feminist Myth
(New) Feminism is bad. Any movement, group or organization which sets itself apart from the whole, to better their position within the whole without credit, merit or accomplishment is bad. Feminism is just one of many movements within the American society which...
There are few foundational constructs by which societies and civilizations are created. These constructs persevere against religious, cultural and secular breakdowns. As a species, humans are very similar, and because of that similarity, societies from all around the...
Relationship Visualization
The mind is powerful. In a world consumed by imagery, media and sensationalism constantly bombarding our thoughts and playing to our desires and weaknesses, the mind is powerful. Every success and accomplishment is predicated from an absolute choice originating...
…The mind lingers. Staring at delusional plains, not related to the scene at hand. The mind lingers. Contemplating again and again, the purpose of allowing subjugation to occur by someone’s hand. The mind lingers. Maybe this time will be different, maybe this time we...
Opposing View Theory
Opposing View Theory: When two or more opposite, conflicting and/or alternative ideas set themselves against a ‘subjective’ or ‘abstract’ (and sometimes objective) problem, puzzle and/or conflict which prevents any outcome, solution and/or progress to be obtained. The...
Plastic and Puppies
Incredible. The blatant perversion of beauty and the abuse of man’s best friend to prop up this abomination has gone too far. Let’s get the puppies out of the way first. What kind of psycho buys a dog in order to look cute? The canine species have been referred to as...
Religion has done more good than harm in our world… This is not a debate. There is no inquisition or crusade or jihad or genocide that you can point to that will ever surpass the consistency of moral foundation obtained by humanity from which all religions are based....
You have compromised truth for lawlessness, spewing verbigerations without check or fact. You have glorified the wicked and worn out hypocrisy, exchanging it for barbarism. You perpetuate the problem by becoming the problem, vernacularizing disobedience and...
The Age of Ass
We have finally made it and we have come a long way to get here… …A long way from the philosophies of antiquity, where men challenged the fabric of (un)known realities. A time when science and religion surged at the minds of the world, tempering the foundation...
Equality does not exist. There has never been a biological discovery, cognitive science experiment or intellectual movement that has EVER suggested any two people, are in fact, equal. None. Zero. Zilch. Yet, for some reason, society in recent history has...
Chrisanomican Chapter 2 “Tempered Love”
Chrisanomican: Burden to Bear More than three decades I have walked this earth and for more than three decades I haven’t felt further away from understanding this world, the people in it, than I do now. We (the world) want everything, but in the same breathe we...
Cycle of Suck
There is absolutely nothing worse than being lied to, cheated on or betrayed by someone who you have invested all your trust and emotional faith into. It should never be expected or accepted that these vices dwell at the core of human nature. These traits are learned....
Socialtific Method
Do you like science, but hate thinking? Do you want to fall in love, but always fall for the wrong person over and over? If this describes you, then I have a solution (method) for you! Science is the study of systematized knowledge of everything that is real. Love is...
Who are you?
Who are you? It’s a simple question, but all of us have different ways to define it within ourselves, and more importantly different ways to express it to others. Some of us use our careers and occupations to let others know who we are. Others use nationality,...
Identity Left?
Society is facing two huge sociotechnical dilemmas. The first (and least severe) dilemma is that we have out grown the Internet and the generations after us will be left with emails, domains (Internet Addresses), handles (Twitter, Instagram), usernames and online...
The Toilet Seat
The last bastion of gender (in)equality doesn’t pertain to professional obstacles, access to health care, education attainment or political participation, but rather confines itself to a 15x18x19 inch white ceramic/porcelain cylindrical bowl containing approximately...
Staying Connected
We have the ability to connect with people ‘virtually’ anywhere and anytime we choose. This advancement of communication has allowed us to follow friends, family, and even people we have never met through technology and social media sites like Facebook, Instagram,...
Trophy Wife
Traditionally, a trophy is something that is taken in a war, hunt, or competition that serves as a token of victory, or a testament to valor or skill. Today, trophies (or awards) are mostly earned through competition: sports, academics, music, etc. No matter the...
Marriage Trainers
How ironic is it to write an opinion article on a social trainer blog when you yourself are a subscriber. Even more ironic is looking for advice on what's socially acceptable for a single person when you are married. I am betting there are those of you who are...
Guy’s Girl Guide
Every guy needs a girl guide. There are hundreds of types of females in the world and this guide attempts to identify the most common, in reference to adulthood and dating. Each type of girl that is mentioned in this guide is a discovery through decades of research...