AI Generated Corpus

Last Word – NPD / Mythomania

Last Word – NPD / Mythomania

It's not uncommon to come across individuals on social media who seem to have an insatiable need to be heard and to be right. They'll often engage in heated exchanges with others (or AI), always insisting on having the last word. This type of behavior can be...

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Resolutions for a Better You: Ideas for the New Year

Resolutions for a Better You: Ideas for the New Year

As we approach the end of 2022 and look ahead to 2023, it's a good time to start thinking about resolutions for the new year. Here are a few ideas for resolutions that might be worth considering for 2023: Eat healthier: One common resolution is to eat healthier in the...

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Using Cell Phones at Dinner: A Guide

Using Cell Phones at Dinner: A Guide

Eating out at a restaurant can be a great opportunity to relax, socialize, and enjoy a meal with friends or family. However, the presence of cell phones at the table can sometimes distract from the dining experience and disrupt the flow of conversation. Here are some...

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