by Chris Debuis | Feb 26, 2015 | Featured, Society
Incredible. The blatant perversion of beauty and the abuse of man’s best friend to prop up this abomination has gone too far. Let’s get the puppies out of the way first. What kind of psycho buys a dog in order to look cute? The canine species have been referred to as...
by Chris Debuis | Jul 25, 2013 | Featured, Society
Ladies, most of you wouldn’t know ladylike if it came up and punched you in your dicks. Today, most females are savages running amok. Since when did the ancient Amazon warrior women culture take precedence over civility? Somewhere in the convergence of equal...
by Chris Debuis | Dec 26, 2012 | Featured, Relationships
Girls suck….And that is the first way to keep a man; and I am not talking about being atrocious human beings either. This isn’t an article on how to get a man. Most women are experts in the outward superficiality conjured up in obtaining what they want. This...
by Carin | Apr 26, 2012 | Featured, Relationships
Getting from Mars to Venus and Back Imagine this situation with me at Kung-Fu movie fight pace: Dude and Chick in Bar. Dude says, “Hey my name is Dude, can I buy you a drink?” Above him is a thought bubble… with one of the following: “She’s hot.” “I’m drunk…...
by Ben | Apr 21, 2012 | Featured, Society
Ladies, we know you hate war and love peace. You talk about it all the time, in both macro-scale and micro-scale. A week doesn’t go by where I don’t hear a woman (or a man who might as well be a woman) say something on the theme of ‘There’s no such thing as a good war...