Claim Me, If You Can!

Claim Me, If You Can!

Women of the world, I am on to you.  I was once jejune, believing that the women I date foist flighty comments of possession around other girls because they were trying to give me subtle hints of affection.  Phrases like “Remember last week when we were...
The Rule of Threeve

The Rule of Threeve

So… when is it time to give up the pursuit of someone you are interested in? The serial killer in me says never; always go after what makes you happy, no matter how long, whom or what may stand in your way. The pragmatic romantic in me says after a certain number of...
Two Wrongs, Make a Right?

Two Wrongs, Make a Right?

Everyone knows someone in their life who is fucked up beyond repair. All we can do is wish that one day this person will normalize by divine intervention and someday offer society positive reparations for their destructive path. Afflatus aside, it is our job to...


              Being in love is a beautiful thing. Sharing time and space with another person is the ultimate gesture of faith. Most of us hope that this piece of our existence will last in this life and...
Eye Contact

Eye Contact

…Hello Ladies; look at me, now look down, now back to me, now think about the one you are with, now back to me. Look inward; back up, where are you? You are in the gym looking at me; stop that. You’re now at a bar with the man your man could be, if you would only look...