

                 There are many people who feel it necessary to embellish their deeds over the Internet. Authentication is one of the seductions that lure us into this cyber labyrinth,...
American Idle?

American Idle?

                     I enjoy two stages of American Idol; the start of the season when the show travels from city to city searching for contestants and the final four...
The Rite of Passage to Success

The Rite of Passage to Success

             A rite of passage is a celebration or ritual that recognizes a metamorphosis of an individual or group of people. However, most people view a rite of passage as an individual’s progression...
Absolution or Justice

Absolution or Justice

              A very touchy issue has reached the halls of congress as of late. The refining of the immigration system in the United States may be one of the biggest debates ever to render our nations...
Text Messaging = Post Modernity

Text Messaging = Post Modernity

                 Modernism is a cultural movement that breaks away from traditional thought in areas such as art, music, theatre, invention, technology and social construct in order to experience a...