

Ladies, most of you wouldn’t know ladylike if it came up and punched you in your dicks. Today, most females are savages running amok. Since when did the ancient Amazon warrior women culture take precedence over civility? Somewhere in the convergence of equal...


Finding myself listening to Johnny Cash’s “Hurt” on my iPhone again.  Every time I listen to this damn song I have to stop what I am doing and focus on Johnny’s soulful sound.  Remembering Elaine’s “Desperado” boyfriend from...
Summer Lovin’

Summer Lovin’

It’s hot. You’re hot. Everyone is hot. And the last two sentences are not talking about the weather. I don’t care who you are, everyone looks better in less clothes, on a nice breezy day, the sun over head with the wind at their back. It’s also a fact that people are...
Social Media Ethics

Social Media Ethics

Social Media is the largest pandemic in the history of our world. No other disease, trend, war, movement, or influence has ever reached more people with a permanent, civilizable, impact than social media. What once was concentrated and controlled individual...
Super Happy Fun Box

Super Happy Fun Box

All men have it, a minimum expectation for any relationship or future relationship in reference to sex, or a man’s Super Happy Fun Box (SHFB). Sure, there are many factors that play into a long and healthy relationship, but a man’s sexual encounters will be at the...
Complain Complain Complain

Complain Complain Complain

I think it is absolutely amazing that people from every walk of life, every economic status, age, culture, trade and caste, find something to complain about in reference to their occupation on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter what people do, they will complain....