Socialtrainers is a knowledge base created for you, by you. We take experience or coincidence, analyze the scenario(s) around them, and formulate theories on causality. Socialtrainers is broken down into three different sections of social experience.
Nightlife – The interaction between singles in various settings
Relationships – The interaction between couples in various settings
Society – The interaction between people compared to the world around them
Each article, video or picture submitted will be associated with one of the three categories above.
Article Submissions
Everyone has the ability to submit an article. You can use the Socialtrainers website to link your thoughts to your friends and use the site’s dynamic comment system to get feedback on your ideas. If you have a keen writing ability and a topic that would be great for our site, please submit your article(s) in the following formats:
docx, doc, txt, html, standard email format.
You can submit your articles to the email address at the bottom of this section. Please copy and paste the article in the body of the email as well as attaching your file(s). You must also include in the email authorship details explaining if you want your article posted anonymously or posted under your first name. If you want the article posted under your first name, please provide a profile avatar and a short bio. You can also provide a link to your personal website or anything that showcases you as an individual. If you decide to submit more than one piece of content, your information will be saved from your first submission so your authorship details only needs to be completed once.
Also, all articles will be posted with a picture thumbnail that expresses the articles theme. You can make the thumbnail yourself or allow Socialtrainers to generate one for you. The thumbnail must be 150 x 150 pixels and the expression must be in good taste. Below is an example of the thumbnail dimensions.
Please email your submission to submit(@)
Picture and Video Submissions
If you happen to come across a picture or video that represents a theme of Socialtrianers, please send it in! These pictures and videos can be anything from taking pictures of people who received Social Violation Cards, to people wearing T-Shirts, to people in need of social training. Please submit the pictures and videos in the following formats:
jpg, mpeg, pdf, png, gif, wmv, avi, mov
Please email your submission to submit(@)
If the Picture/Video size is to large, email us and we can send you FTP info to upload your content or provide us with a link to your content through the email.
Submission Rewards
Other than probably winning a Pulitzer Prize for your great work, Socialtrainers also gives rewards for its loyal and awesome contributors. If you submit five articles and they get posted, you get a T-shirt. Once you get a T-shirt, every article you submit that gets selected into our featured section will be worth $7 with a max of $70 a month. Why $7? Because 7 is fucking lucky that’s why. In order to collect your winnings, I mean earnings, you must have a Paypal account. If your article is not used, or not used in the featured section, you get nothing! If you are an awesome writer with awesome topics, then this should be an easy way to earn some weekend drinking money.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.